March 20, the spring equinox

20 mars, l'équinoxe de printemps

Posted by   Joanna Calla   12/03/2023     Nature and floral language    0 Comments

With the arrival of spring, everything is reborn, everything comes back to life. Trees bud, flowers bloom, and birds sing.

Spring officially begins with the spring equinox, which marks the moment when day and night are of equal length. This day is often celebrated as a day of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings.

It is a time when we leave winter behind and open ourselves to all the possibilities that spring offers us.

The spring equinox has been celebrated in many cultures around the world for millennia.

The ancient Egyptians celebrated the Shemu festival, which marked the beginning of spring agricultural work. It took place every year during the harvest season and lasted about a month.

During the festival, the Egyptians honored their gods and goddesses, especially Osiris, the god of vegetation and fertility. The Egyptians believed that during the harvest season, Osiris died and was reborn, thus symbolizing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

The Shemu festival was an opportunity for the Egyptians to thank the gods for the abundant harvests of the past year and to ask for blessings for the crops of the coming year.

Offerings were presented to the gods, including fruits, vegetables, wine, and beer.

During the festival, there were also purification ceremonies and rituals to ensure the fertility of the land and animals. The Egyptians also participated in games, dances, and processions, and artisans sold jewelry, pottery, and other handmade goods.

The Shemu festival was a period of rejoicing, thanksgiving, and renewal for the ancient Egyptians, celebrating their dependence on nature and their relationship with the gods.

The Romans celebrated the Lupercalia, a purification festival that symbolized the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

The Lupercalia was an ancient Roman festival celebrated from February 13 to 15 in honor of the god Lupercus, who was the god of shepherds and herds. The festival was also associated with fertility and the renewal of nature.

In Persian culture, the spring equinox is celebrated as Norouz.

Norouz is the traditional New Year festival celebrated by the peoples of Central Asia and Iran for more than 3,000 years. This festival marks the beginning of spring and the renewal of nature, as well as the beginning of the civil year in the Persian calendar.

Norouz is celebrated every year on the spring equinox, which falls on March 20 or 21.

Norouz celebrations typically last for 13 days and include traditions such as haft-sin, a ceremonial table decorated with seven items starting with the letter "s" in Persian, symbolizing life, wisdom, health, joy, patience, beauty, and love.

Families gather to share traditional meals, exchange gifts, and visit relatives. The festival ends on the 13th day with Sizdah Bedar, an outdoor picnic where families spend the day in the countryside.

Norouz is an important occasion to celebrate nature, renewal, and family, as well as to honor the traditions and culture of Iran and Central Asia.

Spring is also associated with fertility and life.

Symbols of spring include flowers, blossoming trees, butterflies, and birds.

These symbols represent all the renewal of nature and the promise of new possibilities.

In this time of rebirth, it is important to take time to reflect on our own lives.

This season offers us the opportunity to reinvent ourselves, to let go of old habits and anything that no longer serves us. It is the perfect time to plan new projects and set new goals. 

Spring encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, to be bolder, and to take risks.

Finally, it is also a time for spirituality and meditation.

The renewal of nature provides a reminder of the interconnection between all forms of life on Earth.

This can inspire us to cultivate a more kind and compassionate attitude towards ourselves and others.

In essence, spring is a season of renewal and rebirth that offers a multitude of possibilities for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Take advantage of this season to reflect on yourself, plan new projects, and connect with nature.

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